Friday, February 27, 2009

Any Harvard MBA fans here? Read this...

An interesting MBA bashing article...

MBA: the letters that spell financial ruin at Harvard

The author has done a good job of listing down all bad things about Harvard MBA and MBA in general -as if he has completely nailed the root cause of the current global economic crisis!

Since I am undergoing a business management program, it would not be justified for me to comment on this topic. However, I would be interested in knowing your views on this...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm not sure I know how I feel about an MBA quite yet, but it has become less and less appealing. I used to feel like it's a natural progression for me and my aspirations, but the more I hear first hand from others, the more it seems my time would be better spent elsewhere. The real value of an MBA seems to be in the vetted network of people you will meet, and not so much in the curriculum. I would like to hear your thoughts seeing as you're in the thick of it...I do love the quote: "They use their management voodoo to suck the blood of the real value creators in an economy."